How To Start My Freelancing Carrer And How to succeed In It?
Today there is a lot of demand for freelancing in the world. Many people are earning a lot of money from this. This makes us think that is freelancing really such a good option.
So in this post, we are going to know whether freelancing is better than a job or business. Apart from this, we will answer the questions of how do we start freelancing? What needs to be done before freelancing?
Freelancing Is Better Than Job Or Bussiness?
Whenever we think about our career we only consider two options either a job or business. And both of them have their own pros and cons.
Job gives us stability as we get a monthly paycheck. But the downside is that you don’t have any freedom. You have to do whatever is told to you.
On the other hand, In Business, you get freedom but to achieve that you have to work 2–3 times harder than in a job.
And a much bigger question is, “How to get capital to start a business?”. In the midst of these options, we don’t consider a third career option which can provide us with some benefits of the job and some benefits of a business.
And that is “Freelancing”. Freelancing contributes to 35% of the workforce of America and in India. This number is 15 Million which is going to increase rapidly.
We are going to understand why freelancing is a good option for us through the Big Mac Index. In this index, we compare the price of McDonald’s Big Mac Burger in different countries to get an idea of how the same thing can cost more or cost less in different countries.
For example, in India the price of Big Mac is 115 rupees, while in the US is 300 rupees and in Switzerland, it is 485 rupees.
So we can conclude from this that 1 dollar in India is not equal to 1 dollar worldwide. The Indian rupee is 61% undervalued because of which we can buy a lot of things for 61% cheaper as compared to Americans.
Suppose your client is from the US so they will pay you the same money which they will pay to an American freelancer. But because you live in India you will earn 61% more money for doing the same task.
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In short, you will earn in dollars and spend in rupees. Before starting to earn money, it is important to understand money which we will try to understand with a simple example.
1) Suppose you are sitting in a cafe and every 10 minutes somebody is walking to the counter to pay for their coffee. Light and Air conditioner are On which is an expense to the cafe.
2) You are using Facebook on your phone on which you see advertisements for which the advertiser has paid money.
3) There are cars waiting at a red light, burning fuel by idling. There are vendors on the street selling snacks to passers-by.
This is how every second money is flowing around you like an invisible river. Whenever you pay for anything you are adding money into this river.
Suppose according to you the value of coffee is rupees 200 and you pay the cafe 200 rupees. From which, the cafe will pay 50 rupees to the supplier, 30 rupees to the operations of the cafe and 20 rupees goes into the salaries of employees.
And the remaining 100 is profit which is invested back into the cafe. This is how money flows like a river. You’re free to take as much money as you want from this river; no limits.
The only rule is that you have to put in the value that is equal to or more than the money you take. This is how the river flows continuously.
3 Things To Keep In Mind To Become A Successful Freelancer :
1) Finding your value: You will have to figure out what you can do for companies.
2) Communicating your value: Finding companies that need your skill.
3) Delivering your value: How you do it with maximum impact.
What Should We Keep In Mind Before Starting Freelancing?
Before starting freelancing you will have to learn a core skill. You can learn any skill from this list. Today these skills are in demand and will be in demand for a few years. Now to learn the skill you have two options.
Option 1: Take 3–6 months to get good at a skill and then start freelancing.
Option 2: Learn the basics in a week and then keep learn by taking projects.
How To Start Freelancing?
To start freelancing you can join any online platforms like and There are a lot of platforms available.
After doing a good number of projects on these platforms you should focus on finding your own client. But before starting anything you should set tangible targets.
The problem is that most of our targets are ambiguous. Most people set targets like…
I want to travel the world, I want to earn lots of money, I want to save money to buy a car, etc. There is nothing wrong with these targets but they are not very clear.
So you don’t understand what steps you should take in order to achieve those targets. You should set targets like, I will travel to Paris within the next four years, I will make my income 3000 rupees per day. I will save Rs. 8000 for every month in a Fixed Deposit (FD) to buy a Car.
In this case, your targets are very clear which increases the chances of achieving them. These were some important points to keep in mind before starting your freelancing career.
And I have told these points from a book which is The Pyjama Profit by Abhinav Chhikara Varun Mayya. This book also contains information on managing finances and building a personal brand.
So if you want to buy the book, click on the link below. In the last today, freelancing is a good option if you do it seriously.
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